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As a service to the DOORS user community Beaver Consulting periodically provide free DXL addin scripts, layout dxl tips and skeleton DOORS information models (schemas) to support customisation of the DOORS information management tool for requirements management and systems engineering. Scripts and layout DXL have been tested on DOORS 5.2, 6 SR1, 7.1 and 8 and are offered without warrenty or support. We would also add it is important to remember that DOORS is a full information and knowledge management tool not just a requirements and V&V tool. We trust you will find the scripts useful.




Version 1.1 excludes attributes created by RTF import, flags whether a view displays deleted objects, and any sorts that are applied to a view.

1.1A utility to document the structure of the current module. It displays, and optionally exports to a text file, the following;
  • the attribute definitions with default values, underlying attribute type, and flags if attribute dxl is used, separately for module and object attributes
  • the attribute types
  • for enumerated attribute types the values of the enumeration
  • a list of views
  • for each view the columns, underlying attribute or a flag to indicate its the main column (object heading and object text) or layout dxl, whether sorts or display deleted objects are included, and any filter conditions that have been applied.

  • Typical uses for this script include
  • create a definition for use in the requirements management plan,
  • to assign owners and users to attributes and views,
  • to produce a baseline snapshot of a modules structure and then take another snapshop at a latter stage and use a text differencing tool to summarise changes, or
  • compare the structure of various modules.
  • documentModFoldArchProj5.dxl

    1.0This utility documents the structure of a project, detailing recursively folders, formal modules, link modules, item name, unique ID, description, and fullpath name. It has similiar uses to documentModuleAtrribsView20.dxl, in addition use to document unique ID's for items (e.g. formal and link modules) between different databases or when archiving / restoring prpjects or modules, and layout dxl columns have hard coded modules included. Outputs to a dialog box, with an option to save to a csv file, making it easy to import into Excel or Word (convert to table).

    1.0Utilities to document, backup, or restore linkset pairs and to remove a linkset pair with a missing source or target.

    Script : documentLinkSetDescriptionsInProjectRootAndFolder3.dxl
    This output can be used to create entries in the Requirement Management Plan or DOORS database description document, to produce snapshot files which can be compared with a diff tool to ensure no unapproved changes have taken place, or create a recovery file to either recover missing or damaged link set pairs or to move the linkset pairs with an archive when it is to be restored to a different DOORS database than the one it is created from.

    Script : RecoverLinkSetPairs3.dxl
    Restores from module snapshot source, target,and link module and the linkdescriptor in the relevant folder. Restores whether linkset pair is overrideable or not, but not whether its mandatory. Alternatively the user can create a set of data in the module to initially create linkset pairs rather than enter each one into each module.

    Script : listAndRemoveProblemLinkSetPairs.dxl
    Utility to list problem linkset pairs and optionally remove the problem linkset pair. This script is useful when linkset pairs are damaged, such as a missing source or target, and can not be removed using the DELETE button on the Module Properties dialog box linkset pairs tab.

    DOORS Module Archive : Template_RecoverLinkSetPairsDOORS52.dma
    A sample DOORS module, in Version 5.2 format, with required attributes to restore a csv created by documentLinkSetDescriptionsInProjectRootAndFolder3.dxl and restore using RecoverLinkSetPairs3.dxl.


    1.0Not a DOORS script as such but instructions on how to modify Wizard generated layout dxl columns to remove duplicate object identifiers (and easily modified to use absolute number instead).

    DOORS screenshot showing a recursive trace though four modules, resulting in common (duplicated) Object Identifiers being displayed
    Figure 1 - With duplicates.

    DOORS screenshot showing a recursive trace though four modules, which has been customised to remove common (duplicated) Object Identifiers
    Figure 2 - Without duplicates using layout dxl customisation.


    1.0Have you got values that are duplicated in a text attribute? For example traceability columns which target a common object as shown above. Often you'll want a simple traceability table that has the duplicates removed. This script simply removes the duplicates from each attributes value. Run from the DXL editor where you specify the attribute to operate on. A version that runs from a dialog box to select the attribute to operate on is planned. You'll need to create an attribute and populate with data, for example, using a script to capture link information or modify the layout dxl column to write values to the text attribute.


    1.0If you have values in a text attribute that need to be sorted into order, use this script. For example each text attribute contains object identifiers from trace tables, as shown above, which might not be in order when captured from the layout dxl or other dxl utility. Run from the DXL editor where you specify the attribute to operate on. A version that runs from a dialog box to select the attribute to operate on is planned. You'll need to create an attribute and populate with data, for example, using a script to capture link information or modify the layout dxl column to write values to the text attribute.

    Sign-Up to our newsletter to receive details of new scripts and version updates.

    Coming soon - scripts to document all formal modules in a project, create entries
    in a risk or issue module and link to the source module, and a simple metrics management tool.

    Looking for other useful tools? Without any warrenty, we suggest you look at the following;

  • Crimson Editor, a freeware text editor, remember to download the additional dxl syntax files

  • WinMerge a freeware visual file and directory comparison tool, see the differences between files or directories, and optionally merge files.

  • Perforce.A scaleable priced configuration management tool, although a free 2 user version is available. Has a Windows Explorer interface. Track versions of scripts and other other type of file, log them out of the CM and login, and track evolution of variants.

    Links to other dxl resources;

  • Jeremy Dick's requirements boilerplate

  • Ian Alexanders Scenarioplus utilities including an excellent package which provides DXL based diagramming and use case support from within DOORS

  • C4Systems provides DXL utilities and has a regularly used forum with boards for DOORS, DXL scripting, systems and requirements engineering

  • Galactic-Solutions Group utilities including Advanced Excel Exporter, Copy Views, and Export User List

  • smartDXL run by experienced tools integators this site provides DOORS and DXL expertise, tools and resources to help you work smarter with your requirements management process

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